East Central


The former districts of Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain had few things in common one thing is nowadays for sure the attraction to students, politically left and young creative people, due to their history on each side of the wall. Since the political decision to merge, these two districts work politically together. The name was made by flipping a coin to decide what name to appear first.

Kreuzberg is one of Berlin's most eclectic districts, home to a unusual mix of left-wing punks, anarchists, gays, creative artists and Turkish immigrants, the last of which make up a third of the population and have earned the area its occasional nickname Little Istanbul. The district has gentrified to a considerable extent in recent years, with dot-coms, marketing agencies, designers, German and international kids from wealthy backgrounds moving into renovated lofts and spacy apartments, but there are still plenty of kebab joints, funky nightclubs, and pictures of Abdullah Öcalan gazing down from Communist Party of Kurdistan propaganda posters.